3 Simple & Important Lessons my Friends taught me Last Week

Seethal Jayasankar
2 min readSep 16, 2021


As referenced in a few of my previous articles, I have had a tough time this past week.

Within a week, I had to take the challenging decision of changing countries. After living in US for more than six years, I came back to India.

As I bid farewell to a few of my friends in the US, I received words of encouragement, empathy, compassion, and wisdom.

But three of those simple & powerful lessons stuck with me.

And here are the ones:

#1 Go do great things!!!

I have always wanted to start a sustainable business for a long time, but I kept pushing it away. Either due to fear or lack of knowledge on how and where to start.

This sentence from a dear friend made me realize that I had the time, energy, privilege, and passion right now to do great things. I am ready, and I am excited!

#2 Be well and Be kind to others, but always be compassionate to yourself.

I was a completely different person before I moved to the US.

I always prioritized other’s needs and interests over my own. Self-love or setting boundaries was never a part of my Life.

But as I left, my friend reminded me of this crucial lesson that I had to retain no matter where I moved. Be kind to others but always be compassionate to yourself.

#3 Don’t forget to Breathe


We all do it.

If we don’t get to breathe, we won’t be able to survive.

But when we tense up or are in autopilot mode, we forget to take deep, calming, slow breaths.

Conscious Breathing can change your Life for the better! This advice from my friend was golden! Simple & Useful.

I hope these sentences inspired you to pause and reflect on your own Life.

What are some of the lessons that never left your mind?

